Friday, February 24, 2012

How to Add a column by getting value from a lookup table

I have few columns at some level, and now I need to add a column from another database table based on the values from one of the existing columns.

It seems that Lookup Transformation doesnt support parameterized query.

Any clue ?


Are you sure you need a aprameterized query?

in the the lookup trasnform you can write a query; the join the columns of the lookup table/query with the columns available in the data pipeline.

Keep in mind, that you could have an aditional source component and then combine them using a Merge Join transform.

|||I agree with Rafael... By joining columns to the lookup table/query, you're effectively using "parameters". Unless you need your lookup query to be dynamic for each record coming down through the data flow.|||Yes, I know, but still I need to pass some values to the stored procedure to get a huge list, and then I will select from the list.

Am I using the wrong Transform Component ?|||Maybe. Have you looked at using the OLE DB Command transform?|||Yes, and it seems it doesnt return the cardinality return by query to its output pipeline.|||


I still don't see how a the lookup trasnform or the 2 SOurce components plus the Merge join cannot help you. Pherhaps if you provide an example you may be more likely to receive more suggestions.

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