Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to access Stored Procedure in Sybase from SQL 2000

I have Sybase 12.5.2 Database running in another domain.
I am currently working in a different domain under SQL 2000. I need to call
a stored procedure in Sybase by passing some input parameters and expect
some outptu parameters.
How to call a stored procedure in Sybase 12.5.2 from SQL 2000 Stored
With Regards,
SL AlagappanSQL Server 2000 does not support the execution of remote stored procedures
against a non-SQL Server database.
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.|||First, get a copy of the Sybase ASE drivers. Next, try this:
Place this at the top of your class:
using Sybase.Data.AseClient;
Modify this code appropriately for your server and stored procedure:
// obtain the connection information specified
String host = textBoxHost.Text;
String port = textBoxPort.Text;
String user = textBoxUser.Text;
String pass = textBoxPass.Text;
// build a connect string
AseConnection conn = new AseConnection( "Data Source='" + host +
"';Port='" + port + "';UID='" + user + "';PWD='" + pass +
"';Database='oltp2_db';" );
AseCommand cmd = null;
AseDataReader reader = null;
cmd = new AseCommand( "select adi_name from area_of_dominant_influence",
conn );
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while( reader.Read() )
listAuthors.Items.Add( reader.GetString( 0 ) );
catch( AseException ex )
MessageBox.Show( ex.Message );
if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed)
if (cmd != null)
if (conn != null && conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)

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