Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to access!

Hi everybody,
I want to know how can I access to SQL Server 7.0 (installed on windows 2000) from Other platforms line Win9X in a visual basic program.

Please tell me complete story,
1) What I have to do on server (windows 2000 - MSSQL 7.0)
2) What I have to do on clients (Windows 9X)
3) Connection string to connect to server from client in VB 6.0 language

Thanks :)Ali,

This is a pretty big topic, and you might be better off talking with VB programmers than Database Gurus.

Your VB documentation should tell you how to go about getting data from outside datasources.

My short answer: ODBC connections.

blindman|||Originally posted by blindman

This is a pretty big topic, and you might be better off talking with VB programmers than Database Gurus.

Your VB documentation should tell you how to go about getting data from outside datasources.

My short answer: ODBC connections.


Just a question:
Is there any configuration nedded on Server and Client system?|||Ali,

This is a pretty big topic, and you might be better off talking with VB programmers than Database Gurus.

Your VB documentation should tell you how to go about getting data from outside datasources.

My short answer: ODBC connections.


1) What I have to do on server (windows 2000 - MSSQL 7.0)
you have to create the database, and if you're doing odbc, then you'll need to create the odbc on the pc where the application resides

2) What I have to do on clients (Windows 9X)
write the code to connect to the database =P

3) Connection string to connect to server from client in VB 6.0 language
well if you have access to the database files create a .udl file and then double click it and it will allow you to create a connection string through the gui, open it back up in notepad and the connection string is the third line.|||People talking about ODBC are running behind for two Microsoft Data Access generations. After ODBC (related to DAO = Data Access Objects) came ADO (= ActiveX Data Objects) with its collection of OLE DB providers, needing as you asked connectionstrings. Currently, we are living in the ADO.NET age, however, you are working with VB 6, which means you would have to choose ADO.

You don't need any extra installations on your server.

On your Win9x client, you need to start with DCOM98. Furthermore, you need MDAC, preferably the latest version 2.7 SP1a. You may browse the (ftp://dbxprof:dbxprof@.FTP server of my DB Explorer for the installations, and you find some hints in the installation manual.

For a discussion of the connection string in trusted environments, or with DB security see ABLE Consulting ( However, you may also want to build a connection string. Herefore, Microsoft utilizes Data Link Property forms, which can be accessed within your application.|||The FTP server link doesn't work. It is DB Explorer (ftp://dbxprof:dbxprof@.|||setup an ADODB connection, use SQLOLEDB as the connection provider.|||I don't think there are Gurus here, just a bunch of people with no life :)


The topic may be big, but not the task. What is it you're trying to do? If you want to learn and looking for the way to start, then follow DoktorBlue's links. But if you were given a task to do a specific thing, then post it and someone may give you the whole answer.

P.S.: Since you're from Tehran, how are things looking from there?|||rocheyc: can't figure out the added vaue of your contribution, please help me.

rdjabarov: sounds like you are proposing a new exciting thread about guru properties. Is it really the number of contributions? Or the lack of social life? Or just the nick name? :confused: Maybe the real gurus know ?! ;)|||Originally posted by DoktorBlue
rocheyc: can't figure out the added vaue of your contribution, please help me.

Funny, when I read your post I felt the same way about you!

Originally posted by DoktorBlue
rdjabarov: sounds like you are proposing a new exciting thread about guru properties. Is it really the number of contributions? Or the lack of social life? Or just the nick name? :confused: Maybe the real gurus know ?! ;)

Yes, DoktorBlue the real qurus know.|||Thanks, Paul, you let me see that real gurus don't contribute to the topic, right?

I'd prefer to move further discussions in a new thread, or to keep it private.|||I see the p***ing contest is starting again. Well, I'll be here in the front row watching. Is it time to place bets yet?

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