Sunday, February 19, 2012

how to access the Sql server ...

hi ,

I have the Data and log file of the pubs dataBase(pubs,pubs_log)...

Now i want access the pubs database through the without installing the Sql server in my system.. just like the Msaccess. please any body tell me.. is it possible.

Thanks & Regards,


That is not possible.

You must have SQL Server installed to use the Northwind and Pubs SQL Server databases.

You can get an Access version of Northwind here:

You can get an Access version of Pubs here:

You could then use them in your C# application with the JET provider.


hi Arnie Rowland,

Thanks for ur doubt is i want to deploye my project in client side.. in that time th don't see the data base... so..without installing the Sql server can access the database through the


Your application can also install the SQL Server.

See these resources:

SQL Server 2005 UnAttended Installations

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