Monday, March 26, 2012

How to apply sp4 to multiple instances that have different sp leve

I need to apply sp4 for SqlServer 2000 to the following instances all runnin
on the same server. The server is running Windows 2000.
SqlServer Instances follow:
Default 8.00.534 SP2 Developer Edition
DEV 8.00.760 SP3 Developer Edition
ABCDEV_APP01 (*) 8.00.194 RTM Developer Edition
ABCDEV_LT01 (*) 8.00.194 RTM Developer Edition
ABCDEV_LT02 (*) 8.00.194 RTM Developer Edition
ABCDEV_QA01 (*) 8.00.194 RTM Developer Edition
ABC_MGR 8.00.760 SP3 Developer Edition
1) Do I need to apply any service packs other than sp4 to any of them prior
to applying sp4.
2) Is there any way to apply sp4 to multiple instances simultaneously or
must I apply sp4 separately for each instance.
3) Any suggestions or comments regarding the steps to simplify applying sp4
to all of the above instances.I proceeded with the upgrade and simply applied the sp4 to each instance,
starting with those which had no service packs first, (RTM). Then, I applie
it to the Default which was at sp2, and finally to those at sp3.
It all works.
"theWizard1" wrote:

> I need to apply sp4 for SqlServer 2000 to the following instances all runn
> on the same server. The server is running Windows 2000.
> SqlServer Instances follow:
> Default 8.00.534 SP2 Developer Edition
> DEV 8.00.760 SP3 Developer Edition
> ABCDEV_APP01 (*) 8.00.194 RTM Developer Edition
> ABCDEV_LT01 (*) 8.00.194 RTM Developer Edition
> ABCDEV_LT02 (*) 8.00.194 RTM Developer Edition
> ABCDEV_QA01 (*) 8.00.194 RTM Developer Edition
> ABC_MGR 8.00.760 SP3 Developer Edition
> Questions:
> 1) Do I need to apply any service packs other than sp4 to any of them pri
> to applying sp4.
> 2) Is there any way to apply sp4 to multiple instances simultaneously or
> must I apply sp4 separately for each instance.
> 3) Any suggestions or comments regarding the steps to simplify applying sp
> to all of the above instances.

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